Saturday, July 16, 2011

~Patriot Border Run~

On the 4th of July the kids ran the "Kids Mile". They had a lot of fun and I think that there were more excited to get a t-shirt and a number pinned on their shirt then to actually run!
Mckaylee woke up not feeling to well but she wanted to do it anyways! Good job!

Myself and Heather and Robert Stephenson ran the 10k. You start in Lewiston and run to the Utah/Idaho border (get it patriot border run) I think I had more cow poo on my shoes than I did when I did the Dirty Dash! Heather and Robert live down the street from us and are our very close friends. We all go to boot camp together! It's great to see how far we have come over the last year!

The two of us!

Found this picture of Mckaylee and I from my sister in laws baby shower! Mckaylee and I have formed a great bond this last year. Don't get me wrong we do have days that she drives me nuts but I am very proud of her and the decisions she makes!

Cub Scout Day Camp

The leader from the other troop dared me to race her down the BMX track! Hello! Don't Dare ME 99.9% of the time I will do it! The boys were sooo excited to see us race!

and we're off!
I had a huge lead! Well, guess what? It didn't last long! Totally crashed it on the last turn!
I am holding up my hands in the air and saying "Rock on". My cub scouts came running down the hill to see if I was alright. I was laughing so hard I was crying so they weren't quite for sure if I was hurt or not! We had a great time with all of our cub scouts!

Smithfield 5k

Here is just a few of us from Boot Camp that ran "No' yo' Mamma's 5k & Half marathon! It was brutal. Most of it was up hill!!