Thursday, February 5, 2009


Have you ever had one of the days that you wonder why the church calls you to a certain calling? Well I have. Lately, I have had those thoughts and feelings. As some of you may know I am the Primary President in my ward. We have had problems after problems. What do you do? The last few weeks I feel like the " Big Bad Wolf" instead of the nice, sweet person I know is somewhere in me, I just don't know where it is. Anyways, boys can be boys, we have a group of boys that are really hard in our ward. We have had Parent meetings with the kids and the parents. Thought that it was working but it's not. Now, I have Scout Leaders that are also not enjoying there callings due to these kids. I know these group of boys have so much potential and are great kids for me at school but at church it's a total different world. What do you do? I have actually joked around with the member of the Bishopbric that is over us about we have no one that wants to serve in the Nursery, I will take the Nursery calling any day after times like this. Well, this may not make sense to anyone but me. That's what my husband says anyways. I just needed to "vent" if you know what I mean. Good night to all!!

1 comment:

Lynnette said...

Megan, this is exactly why you are the president. You won't let them roll over you. You have to get the priesthood and the parents involved. May a reward system would encourage good behavior. Is there a leader of the pack, if you can change his attitude of the rest will follow. Don't lose hope! If they are out of line, there parents should be called and they should be called to come and get them, let them know up front the consequences for poor behavior. I know this sounds good on paper,,,all things you have probably already tried. Tough love isn't easy. Good Luck!