Friday, February 6, 2009

Lady Bird!!

OK, so as you all may know is that my dog is my baby. She loves to go everywhere with me and is always right by my side. Well, This week she has been sick. For the last 3 days she has been throwing up and has not kept anything in. Today I finally made Shawn take her in while I was at school. She needed her booster shots anyways. Well when I called this morning to the vet and told them what she was doing they scared me to death. The vet tech asked me if her gums where black and the roof of her mouth was black? Well after looking there were. She told me that she was not getting any air and she needed to come in ASAP. She freaked me out so bad I thought that my dog was going to DIE. I was thinking the worse at school and was waiting for Shawn's call to tell me what was going on. Greatfully, she is ok. After an hour there Shawn was already home. But she sure did let me know of how sad she was that she had to go to the doctor and get shots. In this picture I posted we call her facial expression "the poughty face" this is what she does when she needs some simpathy. For all you dog lovers hopefully you understand my scare today.


Karen & Ben said...

oh, that's scary!! I hope Lady will feel better and back to her old "thinking I'm a lap dog" self!!

Pickett said...

Oh know that is way scary. It is so nerve racking when our animals get sick. I am glad to hear that she is ok. After Maggie Kevin and I learned to always take our dogs in, I think my Vet might think I am a puppy hypochondriac , l they are our children after all. .

Lynnette said...

Has anything improved since loosening her collar?

Kim said...

glad that she is going to be ok! i have be worried all weekend after reading your facebook! again glad all is well in Logan!