Here is my good lookin' baby boy. Of course he is not a baby, if he heard me say that he would kill me. He also perfomed and the school Dance Program to "One Eyed, One Horned, Purple People Eater" The teachers that taught this dance had to put Wyatt in the front because he was hilarious to watch. There is one part in the dance that they have to turn and shake their "Booty" (that's what he calls it) and they loved how he just "Shook It". He makes me proud what can I say. They would practice it at home and the two of them doing that part was hilarious. We are very proud of him also.

Looks like Wyatt has got the moves!! Cute Pictures!!
My "word verification" is...hestud. He fitting!!
Your blog and your kids are both very cute! They are getting so big! Sounds like Wyatt has got the moves goin' on.....he'll be quite the ladies man when he gets older!!
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