Ok! Many of you have emailed me and asked me what a "Skookie" is. Well, Saturday was my first time having one and it was DELICIOUS. As you can see by the picture it is a small cast iron pan with a cookie or brownie cooked in it. Then you can top it with any toppings you prefer. We cooked ours with brownie in it then topped it with ice cream, caramel, fudge, and whip cream. (I forgot the strawberries at home). This is a great treat for family home evening or any other reason you can come up with.
Those are delicious!!
How many skookie pans whould I buy? Do the cookies bake fast? I gave one of these to David and Holly Techmeyer for Christmas...I didn't know what I was giving away. They had them at Tai Pan at Christmas time. I should see if they still have any!
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