Have you ever had one of the days that you wonder why the church calls you to a certain calling? Well I have. Lately, I have had those thoughts and feelings. As some of you may know I am the Primary President in my ward. We have had problems after problems. What do you do? The last few weeks I feel like the " Big Bad Wolf" instead of the nice, sweet person I know is somewhere in me, I just don't know where it is. Anyways, boys can be boys, we have a group of boys that are really hard in our ward. We have had Parent meetings with the kids and the parents. Thought that it was working but it's not. Now, I have Scout Leaders that are also not enjoying there callings due to these kids. I know these group of boys have so much potential and are great kids for me at school but at church it's a total different world. What do you do? I have actually joked around with the member of the Bishopbric that is over us about we have no one that wants to serve in the Nursery, I will take the Nursery calling any day after times like this. Well, this may not make sense to anyone but me. That's what my husband says anyways. I just needed to "vent" if you know what I mean. Good night to all!!