My new favorite place. I started boot camp one week ago. It goes on for 6 weeks, 3 times a week for 6 weeks. Trust me, the hard part is not getting up at 5:10 in the morning to go, it's the following day when I have to get out of bed and make my muscle work. It has been brutal but lots of fun. Shawn laughs at me when I can barelly move but it will all be worth it in the long run! Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we do different things. It's never the same and we never know what to expect. I have already dropped 4.6 pounds in the first week. Eating 1600 calories and day and drinking lots of fluid. Still have a hard time with calories when we go out to diner but they give you a book that gives you great options to choose from at tons of different restaurants in the valley. My goal is to post a new post each week!
Sounds intense. The last time I got that sore I vowed I would never do it to myself again. And that is why I am fighting like crazy to keep the weight off that I have lost over the past 10 months.
Way to go Megan!! I actually like to work out but HATE, read that again, H-A-T-E sore muscles!
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