Saturday, September 4, 2010

Top of Utah Half Marathon

Well, I did it! I was hoping for a faster time but I finished it and am very proud of myself. I am still thinking about doing the Ogden Marathon in May of next year. If you are like me at all, I want to do another half marathon just to beat my time from last time. I know, Shawn says I'm crazy but I met so many fun people while running the Top of Utah that the experience alone there is way worth it.


Kim said...

run! megan run! way to go!

Lynnette said...

I never doubted that you would finish it!

Pickett said...

Congrats... Tha is awesome! you go girl

GRITS said...

After running a half, you could totally run a full. I mean, it's only 13.1 MORE MILES!!! (gulp)