So we planned a last minute camping trip with our friends the Merritt's! We decided to just go up Logan Canyon. We stayed at Wood camp. Beautiful. We had shade the whole time but we ran into a little problem. As the kids and dad's went on a hike, Tami and I decided to hang back and read our books. About ten minutes later Joel came running back to camp yelling " We found a rattlesnake" It scared me. Lucky they had taken their BB guns, and Pellet guns with them on the hike. When we got up there this what we found!

It is still alive but bloody so this is what Shawn decided to do!

The kids each took their turns holding the snake!
YUCK! I think that I would have gone home! I really hate snakes!
OK that is just creepy! And a fairly good sized snake! Glad everyone is sake and that you had a good time.
Creepy!! *shudder*
Eeeekk!! Snakes freak me out!!
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