Sunday, August 30, 2009

~FiRsT DaY oF ScHoOL~

~3rd GRade here He comes!!
~3rd Grade here she comes.
Aren't they just CUTE!!!They were so excited for school to start that day that they were up at 5:30a.m. Yes, they are crazy. When I had walked out my door at 5:30 in the morning they both were sitting on there beds, mind you that they were already made, dressed and ready for school. They were sad that they still had 2 hours before school actually started!!


Lynnette said...

They look so ready to go. I haven't been that ready or that early in years.

Jamie said...

At least they are happy to go to school!

Kim said...

I love the first day of school! and so do my kids! it's nice to get back on a schedule. cute kids