Monday, June 8, 2009

Crow Mountain

Of course we all love the famous " Crow Mountain Hike". I know that my kids look forward to it every year. We love getting together with all of our Aunts, Uncle, Grandparents, and cousins. This year again Wyatt and myself did the hike. Of course Mckaylee was to afraid to get dirty. We wouldn't want that. Shawn was the usual "Mountain Shuttle" for all of those who don't hike. Christi decided to do the hike with me this year. Yes, we survived to tell the tale. It was hot, sweaty, and it's over with. Yes there were other members of the family that made it also, Kevin and Jamie. Good job guys. But if you hike it up you have to do the hike down. That's the easy part. After, we all came together and had a picnic at Paul and Julie's. Thanks for letting us all crash at your house.


GRITS said...

Hurray for us!!! I had a great time hiking up with you. Thanks for waiting for me!

Karen & Ben said...

I'm hoping to "hike" next year!! No pregnant lady, no baby in year is MY year!!!