Saturday, May 9, 2009

My First 5k :)

So I am so proud of myself. Today I ran my first 5k in Smithfield. It was brutal. The first half is all uphill but the down hill part was awesome. I was afraid that I would struggle since I have had this horrible cold this week. I did 3.2 miles in 33min. 48 sec. Not bad for a fat lady! Can't wait to do my next one!


Lynnette said...

Way to go! Megan you are not fat, don't put yourself down. Look what you just accomplished! We missed you on Saturday evening.

Davis Family said...

WAY TO GO MEGAN!! You should be so proud of yourself. The Health Days race is so fun and was my first race I ever ran. It gives you a little bit of a rush!! Have fun running.

Karen & Ben said...

Way to go!! That is awesome!

Jenny said...

What a great accomplishment! Nice job!

Pickett said...

Congrats... That is Awesome, and in 33 Minuets, WOW! Good Job, We did miss you guys on Saturday though, hope all is going well.

Ariana said...

Way to go! Back in the day a 5K was no big deal - but a lot has changed since then - I moved to the mountains and have had 3 kids - doubt it would happen to easily now.

Kim said...

way to go! That is one thing that we should all plan on trying once in our life...tight!

Jamie said...

Awesome Job!

GRITS said...

Hooray for you! I'm pretty sure the uphill part would have kicked my hiney! Good job!