We had a great summer of watching my friends kids 3 days a week. We consider them part of the family. Wyatt and Micah are brothers!! Seriously, they would just wrestle all day.
One of Wyatt's BFF's Kolton. Hanging out at the pool!!
RSL FANS! We love going to RSL games!!
One of my favorite nephew! Loved hanging out with them for a week this summer!
This was for Father's Day! We had a slip and slide out for the kids, it was 90+ degrees outside and they wanted to sit in the hot tub! CRAZY!
Shawn is the 11yr old scout leader and this is a flag they decided and I sewed it and put it together!!
Brigham City Open House!!! It was beautiful! Loved the Peach blossom theme! The kids are excited to twelve this year and go back and do baptisms for the dead!!
The injury from heck! This is has been such a struggle for me! The end of August I was standing in my garage just arriving home from a ward party and Shelby our 80 lb dog came running around the corner into the garage and before she could stop she took me out!! Literally took me out! I have never felt so much pain before in my life. I believe child birth didn't hurt this bad. After a long weekend and being able to get into the othopedic on Monday, MRI that night (painful) and result Tuesday afternoon, the conclusion was a torn PCL. Yes, that is the most difficult ligament to tear in your knee. It runs down the back of your knee opposite of the ACL. When the doctor told me no surgery I truly felt blessed. It has been a very difficult ordeal. With the torn PCL I also ruptured my bursa. The bursa hold your knee cap. Shawn and the kids have been truly amazing. I couldn't get through the day without them. My neighbors and friends have also been amazing. It's been a true humbling experience.