Saturday, September 4, 2010

~Lazy Dogs~

Lazy Dog 1 and 2, have come up with a new habit since the kids and I have started back at school! Shelby and Lady lay on this otoman (?) that sits in front of the window in Shawns office and stare out it all day. Shawn thinks they are watching for us to come home, Shelby, she loves the kids so much. We're thinking she is more of the kids dog instead of Shawns' and I's. She spends a lot more time with them then us. Maybe that explains while she is so crazy. She gets it from the kids!

Top of Utah Half Marathon

Well, I did it! I was hoping for a faster time but I finished it and am very proud of myself. I am still thinking about doing the Ogden Marathon in May of next year. If you are like me at all, I want to do another half marathon just to beat my time from last time. I know, Shawn says I'm crazy but I met so many fun people while running the Top of Utah that the experience alone there is way worth it.