It's Derby Time! Shawn is the Cubmaster and did such an amazing job doing this. The boys had so much fun and it ran smoothly! If you have ever heard of horror stories that happen at Pinewood Derby's you would know what I mean. Ours ran so smoothly. Shawn was (is) amazing.

This is our little friend Austin that came with Wyatt! His parents aren't LDS but have always let him come to activities with us!

We had a double elimination derby which Wyatt took 2nd place. We are very proud of him and his hard work on his car.
Of course we made this Pinewood derby a family event. More pictures to come soon of the amazing car the Mckaylee and I made. We had so much fun making it together. The boys were all excited to when Shawn pulled it out and said "Who wants to race Sister Pickett?" It was AWESOME. My car beat every single one of the boys and it was within weight limit too. All in all just another fun event in the Pickett family.